Sunday, December 03, 2006

Whoa! Four More Weeks to Go

We are officially in the homestretch with four more weeks to go. This week, I am 36 weeks prego - next week, I will be full term at 37 weeks.

I am feeling great - I still feel pretty darn normal (a relative word, I know!). I have lots of energy, don't feel too emotional (any more than normal that is), very happy and excited to meet our son. I am so thankful for how good I have felt this whole pregnancy really. The only symptoms that are beginning to intrude on an otherwise blissful pregnancy are breathlessness - I find it a little more difficult to catch my breath - I get winded more easily. Also, it is a bit more tricky to move around - I can still bend over and touch my feet, do my yoga and stretches...but the little guy has been applying quite a bit of pressure to the pelvis area, making bathroom breaks a real frequent need. Also, it is just not super comfy at all times when he goes into certain positions - he is feelin' really big. According to my reading, he is about 6 pounds about now.

So, here are some pics from this evening! In front of our mammoth, full-on Christmas-filled-spirit Christmas tree. Yes, it is the Griswald Family Christmas ...I think I am in for many years of over doing it! But, I wouldn't have it any other way ;)

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