Saturday, September 29, 2007

All New Things

First and foremost, before I dive headfirst into how beautiful, bizarre, and full our life is right now, let me give you a link to recent (ish) pics of the little man. Grammie Akulis and Auntie Carly took these earlier this month (Noah is ~8.5 months):
Click here: our Mr. Happy!


A common Noah expression :D

Can you keep a straight face when you look at this last pic! Lol! Guess we knew he'd inherit The Goof!

Also, do you like the new Blog look? It was time for a makeover, and Blogspot made it easy with their fabulous, easy-to-use upgrades. Again, don't forget to check out Carly's word in the swamp at MattnCarly's Blogspot!


After our Wallenpaupak adventure, we packed our bags for Asheville, NC to celebrate our 3-year anniversary. Pictures of the amazing 3 DOZEN roses my husband brought home for me will be posted soon! Noah stayed with Grammie while Connor and I enjoyed our first trip together away from Noah. Admittedly, it was nice...once we remembered how to relax...and sit still...and just be. The following week I had a work trip planned on very short notice, so I flew out to Colorado Springs. After just being away from Noah for 4 days, I found this very difficult. In fact, on this last business trip, I had what I would consider to be a mild breakdown in front of my boss and a few working peers. I felt, all at once, all the pressure I've been placing on myself to be perfect at work, as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, and I just can't. There aren't enough hours (or energy). So, I had a turning point ...a perspective check, and it was needed. I have renewed my mind. Now, I am back to letting things go, just doing my best and being happy at all costs. Which I really am. I am focusing on all my MANY blessings - mostly, my son, friends, family and the many miracles God has worked in my life.

Drumroll....NEW HOME!!
A lengthy post with few pictures - very unlike me! Well, pictures we have HUGE news and things to show: WE JUST BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOUSE!! Yes we did. Yikes! But, I will post pictures and more on the new home next week.

A Quote Worth Repeating:

"The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others."
~ Sonya Friedman

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